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Exclusive MotorCut Offer

One Month FREE with 33% OFF per month.

£249pm Package Now Available

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We will get you into gear with the new Google Vehicle Ads

Google Vehicle Ads provides vehicle dealers with a new and innovative sales channel that brings sellers and buyers together at a much more affordable price compared to tradtional vehicle marketplaces such as, AutoTrader.

We are ready to help you.

U.S. Dealers Love It

Our main goal is to drive customers to view our inventory. Vehicle ads allow us to get our inventory in front of customers with better efficiency.

Nathan Sato Director of

The results from the pilot far exceeded our expectations. With vehicle ads, we can help customers by bringing them right to the car they’re interested in. This helps us maximize traffic and conversions to vehicle pages.

Miran Maric, CMO

Asbury Automotive Group

Design by vern P.

Modest Meta Ad-Spend returns great value

Over a 30-day period, a dealer based in the North West utilised a modest ad-spend of £500 across Meta and saw a valuable return.

£500 Ad-Spend

36 Website Enquiries

A modest yet suitable budget to make an impact.

36 enquiries from people that came via Meta.

266,000 Users Hit

16 P/X Submissions

Huge exposure across the month-period.

Providing the dealer with car sourcing opportunities.

3,481 Stock List Visits

10 Finance Applications

People continued to explore all stock on the site.

10 finance applications tracked via Meta users.

Google Search Ads performs equally as well.

Over the same 30-day period, this dealer spent £400 on Google Search Ads and experienced money well spent.

23,474 Searches Shown

The dealer site was showing

for far more searches.

907 New Visitors

907 new users accessed the site within the month.

27 Phone Calls

27 sales calls received via phone tracking software.

20 Website Enquiries

23 sales enquiries submitted via the website.

Spell letters

Relevant Keywords

The dealer matching with the right people.

2 Finance Submissions

Some additional finance applications received.

Rolling Communication with us via

An ongoing WhatsApp conversation provides both of parties with an efficient and easy method to keep up with the latest.

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Performance Dashboard

A simple and intuitive platform that gives you access to your dealer performance across all digital areas that we are involved with.

Our Offer

1-Month FREE Trial

Shadow effect. Square shadow.

Google & Meta

  • Google Vehicle Listings
  • Google Search Ads
  • Meta Campaigns
  • Organic Social Posts
  • Performance Dashboard


/ month

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Ad-Spend is decided by you.

Swipe Automotive Ltd. All rights reserved


+44 20 3916 5579

Company Address:

AVA Office, Fir Tree Close

